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Core Faculty

Arnold, Jennifer
Professor | Cognitive Psychology Program Director
337B Davie Hall

Dr. Arnold studies the cognitive mechanisms underlying language comprehension and production in adults and children. Visit her online: UNC Language Processing Lab.

Dr. Arnold will not be recruiting a student to start Fall 2025.

Cohen, Jessica
Associate Professor
335A Davie Hall

Dr. Cohen studies how functional brain networks interact and reconfigure when confronted with changing cognitive demands, when experiencing transformations across development, and when facing disruptions in healthy functioning due to disease. Visit her online: Cohen Lab.

Dr. Cohen is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Giovanello, Kelly
Bowman and Gordon Gray Distinguished Term Professor
341A Davie Hall
(919) 843-1302

Dr. Giovanello studies behavioral, patient-based, and functional neuroimaging approaches to investigate the cognitive neuroscience of human learning and memory. Visit her online: Cognitive Neuroscience of Memory Laboratory.

Dr. Giovanello will not be recruiting a student to start Fall 2025

Gordon, Peter
361 Davie Hall

Dr. Gordon studies word recognition and language comprehension, including the interaction between lexical and higher-levels of language processing and the coordination of language procession with memory, perception, attention, and motor control. Visit him online: Peter C. Gordon, Ph.D.

Dr. Gordon will not be recruiting a student to start Fall 2025.

Hopfinger, Joseph
344B Davie Hall
(919) 962-5085

Dr. Hopfinger studies the brain mechanisms of attentional control, selective perception, cognitive training, and brain plasticity using multiple measures of brain activity (EEG/ERP, fMRI) and neural stimulation (tACS). Visit him online: Joseph Hopfinger, Ph.D..

Dr. Hopfinger is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Mulligan, Neil
341B Davie Hall
(919) 962-5038

Dr. Mulligan studies human memory, including implicit vs. explicit memory, episodic memory, attention, and memory retrieval. Visit him online: Neil Mulligan, Ph.D..

Dr. Mulligan is potentially admitting new students to start in Fall 2025.

Yousif, Sami
 Assistant Professor
364B Davie Hall

Dr. Yousif is interested in the core building blocks of human cognition and how those develop across the lifespan. Most of his work focuses on various aspects of spatial cognition/perception, but he also studies topics like numerical cognition, event representation, and various aspects of memory. Visit him online: Perception, Cognition, & Development Lab.

Dr. Yousif is potentially recruiting new students to start Fall 2025.

Adjunct Faculty

Adjunct Faculty have official appointments with the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience and assist the Department by collaborating with faculty, mentoring doctoral students, or teaching undergraduates.

Bornstein, Brian
Adjunct Professor | Department of Psychology
University of Nebraska Lincoln

Fogleman, Nicholas
Adjunct Assistant Professor | Department of Psychiatry
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill

Schaaf, Jennifer
Adjunct Associate Professor | Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill
(919) 966-9298

Affiliated Faculty

Affiliated Faculty have primary appointments outside of the Department of Psychology and Neuroscience. They may be faculty members at other departments, schools, and research units on campus or with other universities in the area.

Buss, Emily
Affiliated Faculty | Department of Otolaryngology
G190 Physicians Office Building
(919) 843-9163

Estigarribia, Bruno
Affiliated Faculty | Department of Romance Languages
332 Dey Hall
(919) 962-2062

Grose, John
Affiliated Faculty | Department of Otolaryngology
75 MacNider Hall
(919) 962-8926

Hall, Joseph
Affiliated Faculty | Department of Otolaryngology
170 Physician Office Building
(919) 966-3244

Emeritus Faculty

Eckerman, David
Professor Emeritus


Fillenbaum, Samuel
Retired Faculty
343 Davie Hall

Hollins, Mark
Professor Emeritus
104 Davie Hall